Rector’s Update: Sat 3/2

Dear friends, You may remember that last Sunday we changed one of the hymns mid-service because, as I said at annoucements, it contained a word that is forbidden during Lent. Several of you asked me afterwards what that word was, which made me think it might be time...

For David Abner

Today’s service is a little bit different from what we would normally do on the Second Sunday in Lent. As you know, this week our parishioner David Abner died after a stay in hospice. David’s children preferred not to have a formal funeral for their...

Rector’s Update: Wed 2/21

Dear friends, I am writing to let you know that our parishioner David Abner died this morning. David has been in hospice for several weeks after a fall in January. His family is not planning to have a service, but I think we as a congregation need to remember him with...

Divine Disarmament

The story of the rainbow is a curious reading for the first Sunday in Lent. We are at the beginning of the most somber season of the church year, a time set aside for reflection and repentance, for fasting and self-denial. We began the service today with the Great...

Rector’s Update: Tue 2/13

Dear friends, Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the first day of the season of Lent, that 40-day period of spiritually preparing ourselves for the joys of Easter. We will have services at noon and 7p.m. I encourage you to try to make it to one of them. It is an excellent way...

A Lenten Prayer

Today is the last Sunday of the season of Epiphany, those weeks between Christmas and the beginning of Lent.   Epiphany ends every year with the reading we heard today, the story of the Transfiguration – the ultimate mountaintop experience where Jesus meets...

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