Rector’s Update: Wed 2/7

Dear friends, This is a busy time of the year, as evidenced by this long email. Take a look; you may find things that interest you. It is hard for me to believe that Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, is a week from today. I’ll talk more about the season...

Have You Not Known?

Today’s reading from the prophet Isaiah finds the people of Israel in deep despair, wondering if they’ve been abandoned by God. The land that God promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the land that God led them to after freeing them from slavery in Egypt;...

Rector’s Update: Sat 2/3

Dear friends, Attached is the service leaflet for tomorrow’s worship. And remember that next Sunday, February 11, we will have one service at 10 a.m., featuring a Dixieland Jazz Band, followed by our annual “Shrove Sunday” pancake breakfast. Bring a...

A Loose-Leafed Faith

When I was in college someone gave me a button that I probably still have in a drawer somewhere. “Question Authority” it boldly proclaims. “Question authority” was a philosophy that suited a journalism student well. In fact, I spent my college years, and many years...

Rector’s Update: Sat 1/27

Dear friends, A couple of nights ago I was at St. Anne’s, a couple of miles down the road from us, for the installation of their new rector, Buddy Crawford. It was a joyful service, and Buddy, who has already been there for a time as interim rector, is clearly...

The God Who Can’t Be Trusted

Our Old Testament reading opens today with the prophet Jonah on a beach in the Mediterranean.  This is no beach vacation. Jonah looks stunned and confused. You would, too, if you had just spent three days in the belly of a giant fish, then were spewed out onto...

Rector’s Update: Sat 1/20

Dear friends, The service sheet for tomorrow’s liturgy is attached. e-ver-Epiphany-3-Jan-21-2023Download I also ask you to keep Cameron in your prayers, as he mourns the death of his grandfather, Gerald Carey. And please keep the O’Connell family in your...

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