Rector’s Update: Sat 6/4

Dear friends, Tomorrow we celebrate Pentecost, one of the most joyous days of the church year. It is the day that Jesus’ promise of the Holy Spirit comes to fruition. The Spirit appears as tongues of fire above the disciples’ heads, and a great rush of...

Rector’s Update: Sat 5/28

Dear friends, Attached is the bulletin for our worship tomorrow, which will be a service of lament for the victims of the massacres in Uvalde and Buffalo. Our scripture readings, music, and prayers were all chosen to reflect the grief and horror we feel. I hope you...

Rector’s Update: Wed 5/25

Dear friends, Twenty-seven years ago today (or this evening) I was ordained to the priesthood at Church of the Ascension in Knoxville. I’ve spent this anniversary doing something I have had to do too many times in my ordained life — planning a liturgy in...

Rector’s Update: Thur 5/19

Dunstan, the Archbishop of Catterbury, is accepting salutations and praise on this his feast day, which he reluctantly shares with some other guy named Dunstan, the Archbishop of Canterbury. Dear friends, Happy St. Dunstan’s Day! Our patron saint is honored...

Rector’s Update: Thur 5/12

Dear friends, We had our first meeting of the new vestry this week. Year after year I am amazed at the people who enthusiastically offer themselves to serve God and the people of St. Dunstan’s. And every year I come home after the first meeting of the new group...

Rector’s Update: Sat 4/30

Dear friends, This Sunday we will have our first annual parish meeting since 2019. We will have one service at 10 a,m., which will include the meeting. After the service there will be a potluck lunch, so bring a dish to share. The service sheet is attached. I look...

Rector’s Update: Sat 4/23

Dear friends, Attached is the service sheet for tomorrow’s worship, which will be a service of remembrance for those who have died from Covid. If you have someone who you’d like to have remembered it is not too late to send me the names....

Rector’s Update: Tue 4/19

Dear friends, What a powerful Holy Week and joyous Easter celebration we had! It takes so many people to make these services a reality. Many thanks to Cameron and the choir, who sang at five services in one week; to the altar guild, who set up for that many services;...

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