Rector’s Update: Thur 3/4

Dear friends, One of the biggest issues before the state legislature this year is voting rights. There have been 80 voting-related bills introduced in this legislative session. The nonpartisan League of Women Voters has this to say about the bills: “Nearly all...

Rector’s Update: Wed 3/3

Dear friends, This morning in our monthly clergy Zoom call with the bishop we received some encouraging news. Numbers of covid cases and related deaths are declining, and more people are getting the vaccines (although Georgia is near the bottom of the list there)....

Rector’s Update: Mon 3/1

Dear friends, The first “aha” moment came when the flight attendant handed out customs forms as the plane neared Bangkok.”I don’t have any foreign currency to declare,” I said. “All my money is American.” My seatmate laughed,...

Rector’s Update: Tue 2/23

Dear friends, Two years ago a group from St. Dunstan’s spent most of the Saturdays in Lent visiting the sites of lynchings in Fulton County. The purpose of these visits was to remember what had happened at each of these sites, to remember those who died in such...

Rector’s Update: Mon 2/22

Dear friends, Sometime today the official death toll from the coronavirus in this country is expected to surpass the 500,000 mark. That is the official count. Public health experts say the reality is many more than that. Half a million people dead is a number that is...

Rector’s Update: Wed 2/17

Dear friends, Today we begin the holy season of Lent, those 40 days of reflection and preparation for Easter. You should have received an abbreviated Ash Wednesday at Home service along with the pre-blessed ashes. But we will also be streaming the full Ash Wednesday...

Rector’s Update: Tue 2/16

Dear friends, Happy Fat Tuesday! This day before the beginning of Lent is traditionally a time of celebration, of parties and parades, eating and drinking. The most famous Fat Tuesday celebration, of course, is Mardi Gras in New Orleans. But not this year. As is the...

Rector’s Update: Mon 2/15

Dear friends, On this dreary winter day we have a special treat to bring you some Valentine’s joy. Come by the church between 11-noon and 5-6 to pick yours up. And attached is the service for Compline for tonight and tomorrow night.We’ll change the service...

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