Rector’s Update: Thur 2/11

Dear friends,  There are two significant dates on the calendar next week, and we have something for you for each of them.  First is this Sunday, which is Valentine’s Day. If you come by the church Monday between 11 a.m.-Noon, or 5-6 p.m. we have a special (day...

Rector’s Update: Wed 2/10

Dear friends, Sometime last year on a Zoom call with clergy we were asked by the bishop what words first come to mind when we think of our experience as a priest during the pandemic. The two words that immediately came to me were generosity and abundance. Those words...

Rector’s Update: Mon 2/8

Dear friends, What do the guest preacher at an Episcopal Church yesterday and an advertisement during last night’s Super Bowl have in common? They are both causing a lot of discussion and fallout today, for many of the same reasons. Yesterday morning the guest...

Rector’s Update: 2/4

Dear friends, I did something this week that might surprise you. I was a bit surprised myself. I wrote a thank you note to Liz Cheney. Even more surprising, it wasn’t my first thank you to a Republican office holder this year. Last month I wrote to thank our...

Rector’s Update: 2/1

Dear friends, It is good to be back in the office after a much needed two weeks off. Other than a few trips to Chattanooga we were at home, watching all the inaugural festivities and other news, sleeping late, reading mindless mysteries, puttering around the house,...

Rector’s Update: Mon 1/25

Dear friends, I have just a few things to share with you today. First, a reminder that we are the hosts for Family Promise the week of February 14. When I looked at the SIgnUP Genius I was amazed at how full it was. But we still need $25 gifts cards for Kroger and...

Rector’s Update: Thur 1/21

Dear friends,”Will you respect the dignity of every human being?”  I will, with God’s help. Those words from our Baptismal Covenant were in my mind all day yesterday as I sat glued to the television watching the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala...

Rector’s Update: Tue 1/19

Dear friends, I have a few things to pass on to you while I am off. First of all, our turn to host Family Promise is coming up February 14-21. As has been the case for almost a year now, hosting is different in the age of Coronatide. We don’t need people to cook...

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