Rector’s Update: Sat 11/28

Dear friends, With Thanksgiving behind us we now turn our attention to preparing for the coming of Christ. Tomorrow is the First Sunday of Advent, the beginning of a new year in the Church calendar. The service sheet for tomorrow is attached. Remember, we have moved...

Rector’s Update: Mon 11/23

Dear friends, The holiday season is upon us, and although a Coronatide Thanksgiving and Christmas will be different in many ways, some things remain the same. One is that part of many people’s holiday traditions include helping others. Of course, helping others...

Rector’s Update: Fri 11/20

Dear friends, As we look ahead to next week Thanksgiving is at the forefront of our thoughts. But right behind it come Advent and Christmas. This year we are once again helping families served by Emmaus House, near the old Turner Field. In years past we have adopted...

Rector’s Update: Wed 11/18

Dear friends, A popular song when I was in high school was “Joy to the World” by the band Three Dog Night, which began with the memorable line “Jeremiah was a bullfrog.” I remember my biology teacher walking around the classroom singing it as...

Rector’s Update: Mon 11/16

Dear friends, Just when I think I can no longer be shocked by any news of the pandemic I read something new that shocks me. Today it was an article stating that since the November 3 election more than a million Americans have been infected with Covid and more than...

Rector’s Update: Fri 11/13

Dear friends, With Covid numbers soaring and increases in cases in every state it was only a matter of time before the coronavirus hit home. And now it has. Cameron began feeling ill yesterday evening and got tested this morning. He is positive for Covid. He has a...

Rector’s Update: Wed 11/11

Dear friends, This is the week, my favorite one of the year at St. Dunstan’s, the week when the windows above the altar are brilliant red, filled with the leaves of the trees in peak color. I am sad that we won’t be in church to see it this year....

Rector’s Update: Mon 11/9

Dear friends, What a glorious day we had in the Beech Grove yesterday. It was a perfect fall day. It was nice to see so many of you there, and to know that many more of you were watching online. The weather for this Sunday does not look promising at this point, but we...

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