Rector’s Update: Mon 7/13

Dear friends, It’s Monday, which means we have a new version of Compline for the week. The service is attached. Night-PrayersDownload I ask your prayers for Peg Maloney, who is having major back surgery tomorrow. And please continue to pray for Cathy Leake, who...

Rector’s Update: Sat 7/11

Dear friends, I’ve heard from several of you this week that you have once again gotten scam emails, supposedly from me. We are not alone in this. Churches everywhere are targeted for this type of scam. If you look closely you will see that the scammers’...

Rector’s Update: Mon 7/6

Dear friends, Attached is the service sheet for compline this week: Night-PrayersDownload And let me know if you want Black Lives Matter bumper magnets with St. Dunstan’s logo on them. About 90 of them have been spoken for, but we have plenty left. Michele...

Rector’s Update: Fri 7/3

Dear friends, As you prepare for the Fourth of July weekend I have a few things to share. First, Cathy Leake is having knee surgery next week and she and Charlie could use a few meals while she recovers. You may remember she feel and broke her knee earlier this year...

Rector’s Update: Mon 6/29

Dear friends, I have great news to share with you on this Monday. First, I have received word from RIP Medical Debt that 2,601 households in the Atlanta area will be receiving letters this week telling them their medical debt has been paid by St. Dunstan’s. The...

Rector’s Update: Sat 6/27

Dear friends, They’re married! Jessy Hamilton and Adam Steinke are now bound together in Holy Matrimony. The grooms wore matching red masks, a sign of the times in which we live. It was not the celebration they had originally planned, but the joyful Spirit was...

Rector’s Update: Fri 6/26

Dear friends, In a world where it sometimes seems as if we are bombarded with grim and sad news I give you two causes for celebration this weekend. First, tomorrow (Saturday) at noon, Jessy Hamilton and Adam Steinke will be married. It will not be the celebration they...

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