Crucifying Christ Again

Good Friday The cross and the lynching tree. Those two images have been with me throughout Lent this year, intertwined with each other in a profound way. We are here tonight to remember and grieve the death of a man we believe was the incarnation of God, who was...

An Alternative Way

Palm Sunday C Today begins the most sacred week of the Christian year, the week that we walk with Jesus on the path that ends with resurrection, but first goes through betrayal, arrest, torture, and death. Holy Week, as it is called, begins with a note of irony. Today...

The Other Son

Lent 4C “There was a man who had two sons.” Thus begins what is probably the best known of all of Jesus’ stories, usually known as the parable of the prodigal son. This tale of the son who takes his inheritance, squanders it, then comes home to be greeted with joy by...

An Unlikely Choice

Lent 3C It starts out as just an ordinary day. Moses is doing what he always does, leading his father-in-law’s flock to food and water. Tending someone else’s herd isn’t much of a job – in fact it is work usually given to women and children. But Moses really can’t...

God Is Not a Boy’s Name

Lent 2C One summer years ago I had a conversation with my then four-year-old niece, who was eager to tell me about Vacation Bible School. “What are you learning there?” I asked her. “Everything about God,” she replied. “Well, what have you learned about her?” I asked....

An Unlikely Choice

Lent 3C It starts out as just an ordinary day. Moses is doing what he always does, leading his father-in-law’s flock to food and water. Tending someone else’s herd isn’t much of a job – in fact it is work usually given to women and children. But Moses really can’t...

Observing a Holy Lent

Lent 1C Did you notice anything different when you walked into church this morning? We have entered into a new church season, the season of Lent. Even if you didn’t know that, there are visual clues that might tell you something has changed, even before worship began....

The Call of the Valley

Epiphany Last C In the rural countryside of Burma, in a part of the country where no electric or telephone lines mar the landscape, is a mountain. Even today it is accessible only by foot, and climbing its well-worn paths is not an easy task. But people do climb it...

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