
Rector’s Update: Mon 11/22

Dear friends, On the heels of our Thanksgiving food collection for Emmaus House we are asking for something else -- toys and gifts for the people Emmaus House serves. Emmaus House is a ministry of the Episcopal Church, serving the Peoplestown neighborhood around the...

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Rector’s Update: Sat 11/20

Dear friends, Tomorrow is the last Sunday of this church year. It also the Sunday before Thanksgiving, and that will be the central theme of our worship. Come join us in giving thanks! We also ask that you have your pledge cards in by tomorrow. Doing so will save you...

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Rector’s Update: Wed 11/17

Rector’s Update: Wed 11/17

Dear friends, The season of Advent is fast upon us. One of the special treats we have for you during this special season is a piano recital by Cameron on Saturday, December 4, at 7 p.m. He will be playing pieces by Beethoven, Bach, and Liszt. There will be a reception...

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Rector’s Update: Fri 11/12

Rector’s Update: Fri 11/12

Dear friends, It's not on any church calendar and we never know exactly when it will happen, but it's one of my favorite Sundays of the year -- and this Sunday is it. I'm talking about the Sunday when the window above the altar is a brilliant red, thanks to the...

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Rector’s Update: Sat 11/6

Dear friends, Attached is the service sheet for tomorrow's service. Remember it is All Saints' Sunday. And remember to turn your clocks back an hour when you go to bed tonight -- or you'll be early for church! Pent-24-Prop-27-Sunday-21B-Nov-7-ALL-SAINTS-SPDownload

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Rector’s Update: Thur 11/4

Rector’s Update: Thur 11/4

Dear friends, Earlier this year St. Dunstan's received a substantial gift from someone concerned about people being evicted from their homes because of losing their jobs during the pandemic. After doing some checking around with different agencies I suggested that...

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Rector’s Update: Wed 11/3

Rector’s Update: Wed 11/3

Dear friends, I was 10 year old when the Braves moved to Atlanta in 1966. My fifth grade teacher at Montgomery Elementary School, Miss Wells, had season tickets for that inaugural season. Class began every morning with a discussion of the previous night's game. I...

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Rector’s Update: Mon 11/1

Rector’s Update: Mon 11/1

Dear friends, What a joyful day yesterday was! A church full of children and adults in costume, a witch's platter instead of an offering plate, trick or treating after church in the Beech Grove. We had more people in church than anytime since the pandemic began. And...

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