
Rector’s Update: Sat 8/15

Rector’s Update: Sat 8/15

Dear friends, Attached is the bulletin for tomorrow morning's service. Those of you who tuned in last Sunday know that we have changed the venue and set up for Sunday mornings. For the last 4.5 months, we had been live-streaming Sunday morning Eucharist from our...

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Rector’s Update: Wed 8/12

Dear friends, We now know who is going to be on the ballot in the presidential election this fall. With Joe Biden's announcement that Sen. Kamala Harris will be his running mate the tickets for both parties are complete. Senator Harris is a history-making choice, the...

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Rector’s Update: Thur 8/6

Dear friends, I have received the final results of our RIP Medical Debt campaign. With our $55,000 we were able to eliminate medical debt for 4,003 Atlanta households, which amounted to $6.47 million of debt! The average debt per household was $1,600. Each of those...

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Rector’s Update: Wed 8/5

Rector’s Update: Wed 8/5

Dear friends, The backpack in the picture below may look ordinary, but it's not. It's a pandemic bag I packed for Joseph Henry to take with him to Georgia Tech. Its contents include masks, filters, gloves, hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, Tylenol, cough drops,...

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Rector’s Update: Tue 8/4

Rector’s Update: Tue 8/4

Dear friends, I know I've said this many times in the past few months, but I continue to be amazed at your generosity. I've attached two pictures that are testaments to it. The stack under the owl photo is what has been collected for Family Promise to use next week....

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Rector’s Update: Mon 8/3

Dear friends, I looked out the window at about 2:30 this afternoon and it was as dark as night. Thunder boomed, the wind blew, and rain swept sideways across the parking lot. Now, an hour later the Beech Grove is bathed in dappled sunlight. From light to darkness back...

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Rector’s Update: Thur 7/30

Dear friends, As I suspect many of you did, I spent much of the day watching the funeral for John Lewis, a remarkable service for a remarkable man. It was long, very long, but I don't remember the last time I heard so much eloquence -- beginning with the Rev. Raphael...

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Rector’s Update: Wed 7/29

Dear friends, Today is a special day on the church calendar for a couple of reasons. First, it is the feast day of Mary and Martha, the sisters who were among Jesus' closest friends, who provided him with a safe place of hospitality, study, and rest. These sisters...

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Rector’s Update: Mon 7/27

Dear friends, Once again, scammers are sending out emails in my name. This is getting very tiresome, but there seems to be no way to stop it. Apparently there are rings of scammers who target churches. Almost all of my clergy friends reports the same problems. Please...

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Rector’s Update: Fri 7/24

Dear friends, You won't find today on any liturgical calendar, but for many families (including ours) it's a holy day, one we've been anticipating for months. I'm talking about Opening Day of baseball, of course. It's God's favorite sport, or so it says in the very...

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