
Rector’s Update: Thur 4/9

Dear friends, Today we enter into the Triduum, the three days before the resurrection. Tonight at 7 we will gather online for the Maundy Thursday liturgy, commemorating the last night of Jesus' earthly life. Tomorrow evening we gather for the Good Friday liturgy, the...

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Rector’s Update: Mon 4/6

Dear friends, On the first Sunday of Lent I announced that our Lenten project this year would be to raise money to forgive medical debt for some of the poorest people in Atlanta. Our goal was to raise $25,000 by Easter, with the vestry agreeing to match all donations...

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Rector’s Update: Sat 4/4

Rector’s Update: Sat 4/4

Dear friends, Do you recognize this picture? It is the "aumbry" candle that burns in the church, signifying that Jesus in present in the reserve sacrament, the consecrated bread and wine that are kept to take to those who are sick or cannot come to church. Usually the...

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Rector’s Update: Fri 4/3

Rector’s Update: Fri 4/3

Dear friends, Many years ago when I was in seminary studying the different services of Holy Week, my liturgics professor Marion Hatchett (one of the chief architects of both the prayer book and hymnal) encouraged us not to use palms on Palm Sunday. It would be far...

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Rector’s Update: Thur 4/2

Dear friends, In our ever-changing world I hope everyone has gotten the latest news that our governor has finally issued a statewide stay-at-home order. In accordance with that order, Bishop Wright has directed all clergy that the church buildings are now to be closed...

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Rector’s Update: Mon 3/30

Dear friends, How are you doing? Are you getting stir crazy? How are your anxiety levels, and how is that playing out in your life? What are your concerns and fears? It is hard to put an exact date on when this all began, but by my counting we are entering into the...

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Rector’s Update: Sat 3/28

Dear friends, Tomorrow morning we continue the adventure of worshipping online, live streaming the Holy Eucharist at 10 a.m. You may have already discovered that all our online services, week night Complines and Sunday Eucharists, are also recorded online. That means...

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Treasurer’s Message

A message from our treasurer, Lee: As we all know, the costs of keeping the parish going continue despite the fact that we cannot physically be present on Sundays and other days. I am always awed by the faithful generosity of our community, and trust that faithful...

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Rector’s Update: Tue 3/24

Dear friends, We received some news from Bishop Wright today that I want to share with you -- all in-person services in the Diocese of Atlanta will be suspended until May 24. That means we have two more months of worshipping online. That's a long time. It means not...

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Rector’s Update: Mon 3/23

Dear friends, "Socially distanced, but spiritually connected."  Those of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's words, but I think they are a good description of how we are as church right now. Even though the pews were empty yesterday, I still felt a connection to you, and I...

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