
Christmas Pageant and Tree Trimming

Sunday, December 22 This will be a busy day at St. Dunstan's, beginning with our annual Christmas pageant during the Sunday School hour in the parish hall. (Thanks to Daria Jones for once again coordinating this event). Then after church we will have a potluck lunch,...

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Emmaus House

This year during Advent we will be helping Emmaus House, an Episcopal community center near the old Turner Field, honor the grandparents in their community. Grandparents in Peoplestown, as the area is called, are often guardians of grandchildren or other family...

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Daughters of the King Quiet Morning

Please join the DOK Julian of Norwich Chapter for a Quiet Morning on Saturday, December 7, 2019. The event will take place at St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, 4393 Garmon Rd., NW, Atlanta, GA 30327. The program hours are 9 am 12 pm and wrapping up with lunch and...

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Gilda’s Yoga Class

Sibley Fleming has agreed to teach what we still think of as "Gilda's Yoga Class," building on the great foundation that Gilda laid. November classes are Mondays the 4th, 18th, and 25th at 5:30 p.m. A $10 per class donation is suggested.

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The Bellows November 2019

The Bellows November 2019

Stories from the Soil Two news stories caught my eye last week, both about lynching. The first was about Emmett Till, the 14-year-old boy lynched in Mississippi in 1955, whose murder helped galvanize the Civil Rights Movement after his mother insisted that his...

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Pledge Cards

Please remember to send in your pledge cards for 2020. About a third of the anticipated cards have not yet been sent in. If you do it now, you could save yourself a call from a member of the Stewardship Committee. Extra cards are available in the narthex.

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Diocesan Council

Every year clergy and lay representatives from every congregation in the Diocese of Atlanta gather for two days to conduct the business of the diocese at the Annual Diocesan Council. It is part business meeting, part infomercial about all that is going on in the...

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