
Family Promise

Hotel St. Dunstan will open its doors to at least two families the week of November 17. We need volunteers to prepare and serve food, serve as evening hosts, and spend the night. You can sign up at the SignUp Genius button on our website,

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Creation Tree

The Creation Tree group has plans for fun at coffee hour on October 27. "What does a Christmas tree really need?" we asked ourselves. And the answer came, "Why, bright, sparkly things, of course!" Soooo, we'll be making some of those things October 27....

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Blessing of the Animals

Sunday October 6 is our annual Blessing of the Animals, at both the 8:30am and 10:45am services. Bring your furry, feathered, or finned friends to church to receive a blessing. This is a great time to invite your animal loving friends to come check out St. Dunstan's....

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Flying Pig BBQ & Potluck Dinner

September 29, 4:30pm. Tickets are $15 for adults, $5 for under 10 and may be purchased through St. Dunstan's website (online giving tab) or by cash or  check at the barbecue. Please bring your favorite side dish to share. You can also sign up to help with prep or...

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The Bellows May 2019

The Bellows May 2019

Summer Reading The official start of summer is still a month away, but it’s never too soon to stock up books for summer reading. Here are a few of the books that have stayed with me this year long after the last page was finished. And if any of you have great reads...

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Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross

The talented and creative parishioners of St. Dunstan's made these for the Stations of the Cross on our nature trail. Thanks to Billy DuBose who coordinated this effort and put it all together.   [gallery...

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Service of Remembrance and Repentance

Service of Remembrance and Repentance

On the evening of November 13, 1936, Mack Henry Brown, a black man who worked as a janitor in an apartment building on Piedmont Road, disappeared. More than a month later, on December 23, his body was found washed ashore from the Chattahoochee River, where Roswell...

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