
The Bellows March 2019

The Bellows March 2019

Obstacles to the Gospel You may have seen the cartoon below on social media this week. It depicts a page full of people, each in their own box, drawing lines, borders, boundaries, designed to keep others out. And there in the middle is Jesus, a crown of thorns on his...

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The Bellows – February 2019

The Bellows – February 2019

We Will Remember Warren Powell, 9/4/1989; Bud Cotton, 3/16/1899; Edward Brown, 3/16/1899; Henry Bingham, 3/16/1899; John Bigby, 3/16/1899; Tip Hutson, 3/16/1899; Sterling Thompson, 1/3/1901; Floyd Carmichael, 7/13/1906. Annie Shepherd, 9/22/1906; Frank Smith,...

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The Bellows January 2019

The Bellows January 2019

Love Your Neighbor, No Exceptions When Jesus was asked what were the most important commandments for his disciples to follow, he did not hesitate in his response: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and all you soul and all your mind. This is the...

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The Bellows – February 2019

The Bellows November 2018

The Wolves of Hate Transgender people. Democratic leaders. Members of the press. Refugees. African Americans. Jews. What do these very different groups of people have in common? They were all targets of hate in America last week. Some were threatened by the leaders of...

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Fall 2018

Reclaiming Jesus: A Confession of Faith in a Time of Crisis. “We are living through perilous and polarizing times as a nation, with a dangerous crisis of moral and political leadership at the highest levels of our government and in our churches. We believe the soul of...

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Reclaiming Jesus

We are living through perilous and polarizing times as a nation, with a dangerous crisis of moral and political leadership at the highest levels of our government and in our churches. We believe the soul of the nation and the integrity of faith are now at stake. It is...

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The Bellows September 2018

Time, Talent, and Treasure For the last year we have been honoring stewards of St. Dunstan’s. You remember. We celebrated the choir, ushers, bakers, acolytes, the lay-readers, lectors, altar guild, flower guild, the people who support our Syrian family, Family...

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Gospel in Action

Gospel in Action

St. Dunstan's helped supply 300 backpacks filled with toiletries and clothing to hand out to immigrants who are released from a detention center in South Georgia.   [gallery link="file"...

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Reclaiming Jesus Faith Statement

The following is an excerpt from Sunday 5/20/18's sermon by Reverend Tricia Templeton. "The signers of the Reclaiming Jesus statement call on all of us to face these questions: Who is Jesus for us today? What does our loyalty to Christ require from us at this moment...

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