
The Bellows May 2018

Summer Reading By the end of this month school will be over and vacations will be beginning. Summer’s relaxed pace seems meant for reading – on the beach, by the pool, on planes, or long, lazy summer evenings. Here are a few of the books I’ve enjoyed over the past...

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The Bellows – March 2018

The Bellows – March 2018

The Last Week The last week of March this year is Holy Week, the time that we remember the last week of Jesus’ life. Many of us have heard the stories of that week so often that we can easily become immune to their horror.  We let the joyous news of Jesus’...

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The Bellows Feb 2018

Observing a Holy Lent During the Ash Wednesday service each year we are invited to the observation of a holy Lent, marked by self-examination and repentance; prayers, fasting, and self-denial; and reading and meditating on God’s holy Word. At St. Dunstan’s we offer a...

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The Bellows – December 2017

The Bellows – December 2017

Lighten Our Darkness I took this photo in Nashville last August during the solar eclipse. Even though it is a summer photo, it has become for me this year a symbol of Advent. Epiphany, the church season after Christmas, is often known as the season of light. Advent,...

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The Bellows October 2017

The Body of Christ Thank You, Susan Teat Bless the Beasts Pigs Are Flying! Presiding Bishop Visits Atlanta Music Notes Prayer The Body of Christ Christ has no body but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on...

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The Bellows September 2017

The Apostles’ Teaching Presiding Bishop Visits Atlanta Calendar We Need You! Transitions Music Notes Atlanta Chamber Players Concert Yoga Classes A Prayer for Autumn   The Apostles’ Teaching Being a Christian is not an easy task. Truly living a Christian life is...

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