
The Bellows October 2016

Is God Calling Us to Act? Calling All Bakers Bless Those Beasts Transitions Flying Pig BBQ Family Promise Holy Comforter A Community Christmas Pageant Angel Yoga A Prayer for Autumn Days Is God Calling Us to Act? I first began to ask myself that question when I saw an...

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The Bellows September 2016

Painting the Stars Remembering September 11 Tuesday Mornings Transitions Thank You! New Godly Play Class for our Children Nursery News Grounds Work Day Music Notes Angel Yoga Flower Guild Save the Date Fall Calendar A Prayer for Refugees Painting the Stars I have...

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The Bellows Summer 2016

Summer  Reading  It’s summertime and the reading is plentiful. Days by the pool or beach, long flights, evenings on the porch – they are all made for reading. In recent years the newest novel by my college friend, NY Times best-selling author Mary Kay Andrews (aka...

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The Bellows May 2016

  Meet the Vestry  In the month of May, when the school year and church program year come to an end, we also have a beginning. A new vestry takes office this month. I am delighted to announce that Shirley Morgan has agreed to be senior warden for the coming...

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The Bellows April 2016

  Not Selfish At All Usually when something in the newspaper makes me this mad it is about politics. But this article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution was about a prominent Atlanta minister, Andy Stanley. Stanley is the “senior evangelist” of North Point...

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The Bellows March 2016

  The Holiest of Weeks This month we celebrate the highlight of the Christian year, the victory of life over death with the resurrection of Jesus on Easter morning. I am sure the church will be full, as it should be, for this grand and glorious celebration. The...

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The Prodigal Son

The Prodigal Son

For those who follow the lectionary, the Gospel for the Fourth Sunday in Lent (in a couple of weeks, March 6th this year) will be the parable of the prodigal son. Many of us are familiar with this parable, but for Lent this year, the Christian Education Committee at...

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