Dear friends,

Tomorrow begins the most solemn, sacred week of the Christian year, the lead up to Easter known as Holy Week. We start tomorrow with Palm Sunday (service leaflet attached), a day that begins with joy and triumph as Jesus enters Jerusalem, and ends in sorrow with the reading of the Passion, the story of Jesus’ arrest, execution, and death, from the Gospel of Mark. The 10:45 service will begin in the Beech Grove with the blessing of the palms, then a procession into the church.

I don’t really like that the Palm Sunday service includes the reading of the Passion Gospel. It seems to usurp the drama of the other Holy Week services. The reasoning is that it allows everyone to hear the story even if they miss the rest of the services. I understand that, but it does not capture the drama and emotion of the later services. Here is the schedule:

Maundy Thursday — 7 p.m. — On this night we remember the last night of Jesus’ life and his final command to his followers — to love one another. The (optional) washing of feet, the celebration of the Eucharist, and then the stripping of the altar make this one of the most dramatic and powerful services of the year.

Good Friday — 7 p.m. — In a bare church we remember Jesus’ torture and death in this most solemn service of the year.

Easter Vigil — 7 p.m. Saturday — This is the oldest of the church’s liturgies. We begin in the Memorial Garden with the lighting of the new fire, from which the Paschal (Easter) candle is lit. We process into the darkened church to hear the haunting music of the Exulted, followed by scripture readings that tell the overarching stories of God’s history with God’s people. Midway through the service we announce that Lent is over and Christ has risen. The service is followed by a cake and champagne reception in the parish hall.

Stations of the Cross — all week. Walk our nature trail and stop and pray at each of the crosses representing Jesus’ final journey to the cross. Leaflets with prayers for each station are at the beginning of the nature trail.

Easter Sunday — 8:30 and 10:45. Join us as we celebrate the resurrection. The service is followed by an Easter egg hunt for the children.

And here are a couple of more dates to add to your calendar:

April 14 — The annual parish meeting. We will have one service at 10 a.m. that day. The meeting will be incorporated into the worship. We will elect new vestry members and review the events of the last year. 

May 19 — We will have a joyful service at 10 a.m. celebrating St. Dunstan’s Day, Pentecost, AND the 60th anniversary of the founding of our beloved parish. Worship will be followed by a luncheon and a chance to share memories of the last 60 years and look to what the future may bring.

I hope to see you at all of these events.

With love,


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