"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight, oh Lord."


For Peachy Horne

We are here this morning to celebrate the life of our friend and parishioner Peachy Horne, and to commend her into the care of our gracious and loving God. It is a little unusual to have a funeral service on a Sunday morning. Peachy's family prefers to have the burial...

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Studying the Light

Most of you know that I enjoy photographing nature -- both wildlife and landscapes. That interest really began here at St. Dunstan's as I tried to capture photos of God's creatures who share this property with us.  I soon realized I was going to need a better...

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Keeping the Faith

    "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."     These words we hear today in our epistle reading are written by the Apostle Paul from a prison cell in Rome to his friend and protégée Timothy. It is...

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Blessing the Scoundrel

    Many years ago, when I was newly ordained,  I taught an adult Sunday School class called “Saints and Sinners.” The class took a look at those we typically think of as Biblical heroes of faith – people like Abraham, Moses, David, Peter, and Paul...

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The Holy Yes

    The story we hear today from Luke's gospel is one of Jesus' most vivid and harsh parables.     There's the poor man, Lazarus, covered with sores, sitting outside the gates of the rich man's home. He's so hungry he would be happy with...

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 Then and Now

    We all remember where we were and what we were doing that day. I was getting ready for work, about to scoop up 4-month-old Joseph Henry from the bed and leave when I heard the news bulletin – a plane had hit the World Trade Center....

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 Angels Unaware

    It is one of the most basic tenets of scripture in both the Old and New Testaments -- hospitality to the stranger.     Abraham and Sarah are the first in scripture to model it. Abraham is sitting at the entrance to his tent when he...

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We Must Not Fail

    It is Independence Day weekend, a time that we celebrate the founding of this nation that we all love. It seems appropriate to be in church this weekend to offer prayers for our country.     By any standards this is a difficult time...

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