Rector’s Update: Wed 11/8

Dear friends, What a great All Saints’ celebration we had! As you who were here know, we had to move everything to the parish hall because our organ pipes were loudly reacting to the changes in temperature we’ve experienced lately. Everyone pitched in to...

Always Room for Forgiveness

Today is All Saints’ Day, one of the major feast days of the Church, and one of my favorite Sundays of the year. This first Sunday in November is the day that we remember the saints of the church — all of them, those who have their own day on the church...

Unfinished Business

For the last two months our Old Testament readings have been following the story of Moses and the people of Israel as they journey through the wilderness to the land that God first promised to Abraham and Sarah long, long ago. When the story begins, the Israelites are...

Rector’s Update: Mon 10/23 Part 2

Dear friends, During the past weeks many roads in Sandy Springs have been closed, forcing me to take different routes to church. I know what’s open and what’s not, and which way I need to take. But invariably, a few times a week I find myself driving down...

Rector’s Update: Mon 10/23

Dear friends, What a great day we had yesterday! The service was full and the Flying Pig BBQ was fantastic. There are so many people to thank that I’m afraid I’m going to leave someone out, but these people deserve special thanks — our BBQ gurus,...

They Are No More

“A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weeping. Rachel is weeping for her children; she refuses to be comforted for her children, because they are no more.” These words from the prophet Jeremiah are not in the scripture readings appointed for...

Rector’s Update: Sat 10/21

Dear friends, The service sheet for tomorrow’s worship is attached. Remember there is only one service at 10 a.m. and no Sunday School. And bring a side dish and plan to stay for the Flying Pig BBQ after the service.  e-ver-Pentecost-21-October-22-2023ADownload...

Rector’s Update: Thur 10/19

Dear friends, This Sunday is one of the most fun social events of the year at St. Dunstan’s. It’s time for the annual Flying Pig BBQ. We will only have ONE SERVICE at 10 a.m. (no Sunday School or confirmation class). The feast will begin after the service...

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