Holy Week

Dear friends, This evening begins what is called The Triduum, or the Three Days, the most holy time of the Christian year. Tonight we mark the last night of Jesus’ earthly life, and remember his final command to his disciples — to love one another....

Rector’s Update: Sat 3/23

Dear friends, Tomorrow begins the most solemn, sacred week of the Christian year, the lead up to Easter known as Holy Week. We start tomorrow with Palm Sunday (service leaflet attached), a day that begins with joy and triumph as Jesus enters Jerusalem, and ends in...

Seeing Jesus Face to Face

“Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” That was the request of some Greeks who were visiting a festival in Jerusalem, or someplace close by. They ask this of one of Jesus’ disciples, Philip, who tells his friend Andrew. The two of them go to Jesus with the...

Rector’s Update: Sat 3/16

Dear friends,  The service leaflet for tomorrow is attached. It’s hard to believe that one week from tomorrow is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week. I’ll be sending out a lot more information about that next week, but mark your calendars for the...

Saved for Life

Sunday morning has a language all its own, full of words that we seldom, if ever, use other times of the week. Words like repentance, righteousness, grace, incarnation. Words that I suspect we  would be hard pressed to easily define. Sometimes the strange...

Rector’s Update: Mon 3/4

Dear friends, Last week was the first anniversary of Joe’s death. It was a day I had dreaded for weeks, really since Joseph Henry and I got back from Italy in early January at about the same time that Joe went to the hospital last year. For the last two months I...

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