Rector’s Update: Mon 6/1

Dear friends, First, thank you so much for the prayers, food, and love with which you are surrounding us. I have some good news. Joe is supposed to be released from the hospital later today. I don’t have any information yet about what he can and can’t do...

Rector’s Update: Sun 5/31

Dear friends, Some of you heard this during our livestream worship this morning, but I want to let others know, too. Late Memorial Day afternoon Joe fell on our deck and hit the back of his head and neck on a table. He was reluctant to go to the ER for fear of...

Rector’s Update: Sat 5/30

“Jesus breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.” — John 20:22-23 “Breathe on me breath of God, fill me with life anew.” — Hymn 508 “I can’t breathe.” — George Floyd Dear friends, Tomorrow we...

Rector’s Update: Thur 5/28

Dear friends, Tonight in our online gathering for prayer we are going to do something a little different. As our official death toll from the coronavirus passed 100,000 people this week, it seems time to pause and remember those who have died. I have put together a...

Rector’s Update: Wed 5/27

Dear friends, Sometimes you read something that just needs to be shared. I think this little piece below by Greg Brown, an Episcopal priest in Charlotte, North Carolina, is one of those things.  It is a wonderful take on this Sunday’s epistle reading from...

Rector’s Update: Mon 5/25

Dear friends, In the world in which we are living now, when one day seems much like the other,  the idea of a three-day weekend seems a bit pointless. But it is important to remember why this is a holiday — not to kick off the summer season, but to remember...

Rector’s Update: Fri 5/22

Dear friends, I made a quick trip to Chattanooga today to see my parents and was blessedly away from the news for most of the day. When I got home this evening I saw  that the president has demanded that churches be opened again “right away.” I have some...

Rector’s Update: Thur 5/21

Dear friends, Abundance. Gratitude. Kindness. These words hang on a banner in the Pop Up Food Pantry. Today I had the privilege of delivering $2,500 checks from St. Dunstan’s to both of the sister Sandy Springs pantries, started by moms worried that families...

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