Rector’s Update: Mon 4/20

Dear friends, I came across this quote about prayer today from Ann Ulanov, a retired professor of religion and psychiatry at Union Theological Seminary in New York. It seems to speak to our current situation:”Prayer enters the non-space, non-time zone, that part...

Rector’s Update: Sat 4/18

Dear friends, Tomorrow morning, we “gather” at 10 a.m. for the Eucharist. There are two ways to access our services. If you’re on Facebook, you can go to the St. Dunstan’s Facebook page, and scroll down until you see the video (there may be a...

Rector’s Update: Thur 4/16

Dear friends, You may have already seen this online, but in case you haven’t, and you need to hear something uplifting, check out this video. It was put together by the national church with 600 musicians from across the country. You’ll probably want to...

Rector’s Update: Wed 4/15

Dear friends, We had a first for St. Dunstan’s yesterday — a vestry meeting by Zoom. It is amazing how much the world has changed since our last meeting on March 11, where we talked about the coronavirus, but had no idea how much it would change our lives,...

Rector’s Update: Tue 4/14

Dear friends, I write today with the sad news that parishioner Nancy Young has died. Nancy and her sister, Pat Berman, have been active parishioners at St. Dunstan’s for many years. Those of you who are relatively new to St. Dunstan’s will not know them...

Rector’s Update: Mon 4/13

Dear friends, Well, between online services, social distancing, and tornado watches it was a very strange Easter, but Easter nonetheless. I am grateful to those who ensured we had beautiful Holy Week and Easter services despite the circumstances. Thanks to Claudia...

Rector’s Update: Sat 4/11

Dear friends, As I write this Saturday afternoon we are in that strange time in between the crucifixion and resurrection. I’d like to share a poem/prayer about Holy Saturday 2020, written by Cameron Wiggins Bellm. Holy Saturday. The world is, as we say, silent...

Rector’s Update: Thur 4/9

Dear friends, Today we enter into the Triduum, the three days before the resurrection. Tonight at 7 we will gather online for the Maundy Thursday liturgy, commemorating the last night of Jesus’ earthly life. Tomorrow evening we gather for the Good Friday...

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