
The Bellows February 2016

Observing a Holy Lent “I invite you, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self denial; and by reading and meditating on God’s holy Word.” This invitation from the Book of Common...

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The Bellows December 2015

Waiting for God Anyone with children knows that waiting is not a very popular activity. The truth is, it’s not just children who find waiting difficult. Our whole culture seems averse to the idea of waiting for anything. If it is worth having, we want it now. This...

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Lenten Meditations 2014 – “Wilderness”

Lenten Meditations 2014 – “Wilderness”

Introduction to the 2014 Lenten Devotion Series by The Rev. Tricia Templeton Charis Bowling shares how the words of Hymn 637, "How firm a foundation," helped give her comfort and patience during a recent wilderness experience. Meg Withers talks about nature and the...

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Blessed with a Fox!

Blessed with a Fox…and so much more!A few Sundays ago, as Tim and I taught the high school/confirmation class, our fox came into view. He stood cautiously in the St. Francis courtyard (how appropriate!), gazing into our classroom. Even though we moved slowly and...

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