"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight, oh Lord."


A Dangerous Moment

    It’s a dangerous moment for Christianity.     The disciple are gathered together in a locked room. It’s a familiar place to them. They locked themselves away from the world after Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion, fearing that those who...

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 Jesus Wept

    If you came here this morning expecting to hear some words of wisdom or comfort from me, I'm sorry.      I have no words. No words to ease the pain, no words of hope, no words of wisdom.      All I can offer...

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A Toxic Brew

    Last Saturday afternoon I made a routine run to the grocery store. I checked things off my list, chatted with a friend I ran into in the spice section, stood in line, paid for my items, then went home.     All across America...

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An Idle Tale

Utter nonsense. Foolishness. An idle tale. Every year we begin our Easter celebrations with shouts of joy: “Alleluia! Christ is risen!” we cry. “The Lord is risen, indeed. Alleluia!” As we make this joyful proclamation, we may think we are echoing the words with which...

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A New Thing

    The cross is looming large before us on the horizon. We are deeply into Lent. At the end of our service next Sunday we will find ourselves at the foot of the cross, watching as Jesus' hands and feet are nailed into the wood, cringing as he is left...

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The Other Son

    “There was a man who had two sons.”  Thus begins what is probably the best known of all of Jesus’ stories, usually known as the parable of the prodigal son.     This tale of the son who takes his inheritance, squanders it, then...

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An Unlikely Choice

It starts out as just an ordinary day. Moses is doing what he always does, leading his father-in-law’s flock to food and water. Tending someone else’s herd isn’t much of a job – in fact it is work usually given to women and children.     But Moses...

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Binding God

    The promise was  outrageous from the beginning. Abraham is an old man, 75 years old. His wife Sarah is 65. They have no children, and at their age, no hope of having any. They are nomadic people with no land to call their own....

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Two Beloved Sons

    On the top of a mountain,  Jesus kneels in prayer as his friends struggle to stay awake.  As he prays, Jesus is suddenly filled with radiant light, his very face aglow.  Then two figures from another time and place appear, ...

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