Love’s Redemptive Power

Have you ever wondered how the Bible came into being? Who wrote the many different books that we consider scripture, and who decided what to include in the official Bible and what to leave out? There is no clear-cut answer to those questions. With a few exceptions,...

Rector’s Update: Thur 1/11

Dear friends, It is good to be with you after a wonderful two weeks in Italy. We went nonstop, walking 8-10 miles a day, and we only scratched the surface of things to see and do there. It was good to spend that time with Joseph Henry and good to be in a place that...

Christmas in the Ruins

It is good to be gathered here with you on this beautiful night, the night that we celebrate the birth of a baby who will change the world. Everything about this evening is special – the music that our choirs have practiced for so many hours; the beautiful flowers and...


Mary knew. Those are the words on a sign of a church I pass coming here every day. I imagine that some might wonder what these two words actually mean.  If I texted that question to one of my younger friends, they might respond IYKYK. Or for those of us who still...

Rector’s Update: Sat 12/23

Dear friends, I hope you are having a good weekend, putting the finishing touches on your Christmas celebration. And, of course, I hope that celebration includes coming to church. Tomorrow is a big day since it is both the Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve. We...

Rector’s Update: Mon 12/18

Dear friends, What a glorious day we had yesterday with Bishop Wright’s visit. From the Sunday School forum, to the confirmations and service, to the abundant potluck, everything was just right. Thanks to all who helped put it together. And congratulations to...

Rector’s Update: Sat 12/16

Dear friends, Remember that tomorrow Bishop Wright will be with us. He will lead an adult forum at 9:30 in the Founders’ Room, then preach, confirm and celebrate at the 10:45 service. There is no 8:30 service. After church we will have a potluck lunch. It should...

Rector’s Update: Mon 12/11

Dear friends, What a wonderful service of Advent Lessons & Carols we had yesterday afternoon. Thank you to Cameron and the choir for the beautiful music, to all who read lessons, and to Claudia for putting together the beautiful service leaflet. It all came...

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