Rector’s Update: Mon 9/12

Dear friends, Yesterday we had our first fall kickoff day in three years, and a glorious day it was. The church was full, the music was great, Sunday school was lively, and the table groaned from all the food at the potluck. It could not have been a better day. We...

Bulletin for Sun 9/11

Reminders: The schedule changes today to services at 8:30 and 10:45, with Sunday school at 9:30. The 10:45 service will be streamed. And there will be a potluck lunch after the 10:45 service. e-ver-Pentecost-14-Proper-19-Sunday-22C-Sept-11Download

Rector’s Update: Thur 9/8

Dear friends, This Sunday marks our first fall kick-off in three years. We will go back to two services — 8:30 and 10:45. Adult Sunday school will begin, and there will be a potluck lunch after the later service, and a ministry fair. Here are the details for...

Rector’s Update: Wed 8/31

Dear friends, I was talking to a friend earlier this week and we both said we were unusually excited about the beginning of a new program year. Then it dawned on me why that was the case. It’s because it’s the first time since Covid began that we’ve...

Rector’s Update: Wed 8/24

Dear friends, We are in the dog days of August, but at St. Dunstan’s we are thinking about the fall. Our new program year begins two weeks from Sunday, on September 11. On that day our schedule will change to worship services at 8:30 and 10:45, and Sunday School...

Rector’s Update: Fri 7/22

Dear friends, I am writing to let you know that our former parishioner, Danny Woodard, died on Wednesday from multiple myeloma. Danny, his wife Rhonda, and daughter Victoria were members for a long time before transferring to St. Benedict’s a few years ago....

Rector’s Update: Fri 7/15

Dear friends, Thanks to all who continue to search for Dunstan and pray for his return. He is still missing. I did learn that our next-door neighbors (across the pond) shot off fireworks for a long time on July 4th, which is when he disappeared. If he ran away...

Rector’s Update: Wed 7/13

Dear friends, “At your command all things came to be: the vast expanse of interstellar space, galaxies, suns, the planets in their courses, and this fragile earth, our island home.” These words from Eucharistic Prayer C (written in 1969 in response to the...

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