
Rector’s Update: Wed 2/15

Dear friends, I'm glad to report that after 35 days Joe is out of the hospital and in rehab. It is certainly a milestone, but we're still in a medical facility, so it doesn't feel that different. Joe is still on oxygen and extremely weak. He has a long, hard road...

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Rector’s Update: Sun 2/12

Dear friends, I was watching the service from my dining room this morning when I saw something unexpected. Bringing up the rear of the choir procession was Joseph Henry. I knew he was going to St. Dunstan's to interview Kim Jackson for a school project, but I didn't...

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Rector’s Update: Fri 2/10

Dear friends, Every time I've seen a headline this week the news from Turkey and Syria has gotten worse. If you wonder how you can help the earthquake relief efforts there I suggest you consider donating to Episcopal Relief and Development, which is working with local...

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Rector’s Update: Sun 2/5

Dear friends, On this 26th day of this miserable Covid journey we were given the most wonderful gift during worship. The lighting of the candles and Deborah and Bill's prayers for us touched all three of us deeply. I admit that we are having trouble at times keeping...

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Rector’s Update: Tue 1/31

Dear friends, Recently Christine Bird reminded me of a quote from one of my favorite writers, Flannery O'Connor. O'Connor, who died at 39, spent most of her short adult life struggling with lupus. In response to friends' discussion of their travels, O'Connor wrote, "I...

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Rector’s Update: Wed 1/25

Dear friends, Two weeks ago today I called 911 because it was clear that Joe was having health problems beyond his hurt back. Neither of us had any clue that he had Covid pneumonia or that weeks later he would still be in the hospital with weeks to go before he's...

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Rector’s Update: Tue 1/17

Dear friends, Tonight is Joe's seventh night in ICU. It has been a long week, and there is a long road to recovery ahead of us. Joe will be in ICU for a while longer, then will move to the pulmonary floor, where he will also be for a while. Then he likely will go to...

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Bulletin for Sun 1/15

From Claudia Gimson: Good afternoon all, I've attached the bulletin for this Sunday's service which will stream on FaceBook Live at our "Regular Time" of 10:45 am. Our Maggie Harney will celebrate at the 8:30 service. In Tricia's absence, there will be no Sunday...

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Rector’s Update: Thur 1/12

Dear friends, I want to give you an update on Joe. On Tuesday he started getting weaker and had some shortness of breath. We chalked it up to having to go for an MRI on his back that day. Getting out of our house, which involves steps, and the whole process was an...

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Rector’s Update: Mon 1/9

Dear friends, I want to share some good news from our stewardship campaign for 2023. We have received $409,824 in pledges for this year. That is a remarkable number, made even more so because of what has happened the last few years.  For a little history: For...

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