
Rector’s Update: Tue 4/2

Dear friends, There is news to share from the diocese today. Bishop Wright is one of four bishops nominated to be Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. The presiding bishop presides over meetings of the bishops, and participates in the ordination of new bishops....

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Holy Week

Dear friends, This evening begins what is called The Triduum, or the Three Days, the most holy time of the Christian year. Tonight we mark the last night of Jesus' earthly life, and remember his final command to his disciples -- to love one another. Tomorrow evening,...

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Rector’s Update: Mon 3/4

Dear friends, Last week was the first anniversary of Joe's death. It was a day I had dreaded for weeks, really since Joseph Henry and I got back from Italy in early January at about the same time that Joe went to the hospital last year. For the last two months I have...

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Rector’s Update: Wed 2/21

Dear friends, I am writing to let you know that our parishioner David Abner died this morning. David has been in hospice for several weeks after a fall in January. His family is not planning to have a service, but I think we as a congregation need to remember him with...

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Rector’s Update: Tue 2/13

Dear friends, Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the first day of the season of Lent, that 40-day period of spiritually preparing ourselves for the joys of Easter. We will have services at noon and 7p.m. I encourage you to try to make it to one of them. It is an excellent way...

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