
Parish News

From Bob Longino, Sr. Warden: Dear friends,    Hope you are ready for Holy Week. Looking forward to seeing you in church. NO EASTER EGG HUNT     Since the weather forecast for Sunday calls for wet and cold conditions, we will not have an Easter Egg Hunt on Easter...

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Rector’s Update: Sat 4/1

Dear friends, Tomorrow begins the most important week of the Christian year, Holy Week. I know you have already received the schedule of the week's services. I always urge people to attend as many of these services as possible to hear the whole drama of the week, and...

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Holy Week 2023 Schedule

From Bob Longino, Sr. Warden:      Easter is already here. We're hoping as many parishioners as possible come to special Holy Week services and after. We especially hope you will attend the Good Friday service when Bishop Rob Wright will be with us....

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Bulletin for Sun 3/26

From Claudia Gimson, Parish Administrator -- We welcome The Reverend Dr. Deborah Silver back this Sunday to  celebrate with us. e-ver-Lent-5-Sunday-March-26-Download Holy Week Schedule & After: Palm Sunday (April 2) – One service at 10:00 with special music...

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Rector’s Update: Wed 3/8

Dear friends, There are no words for me to adequately express my gratitude for Joe's funeral Sunday. I wish with all my heart that such a service wasn't necessary, but it was and it could not have been better. It was truly perfect. The music, the flowers, the...

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Rector’s Update: Fri 2/24

Dear friends, I am looking forward to being back with you this first Sunday in Lent. Our senior warden Bob Longino is preaching and I will officiate. The bulletin is attached. e-ver-Lent-1-FEB-26-2023-Download We will also be starting Sunday School back up, beginning...

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Rector’s Update: Mon 2/20

Dear friends, It was so great to be with you again yesterday! I didn't trust myself to be able to lead a service my first time back, so slipping in and sitting in the back of the church, then going up at announcements was a good re-entry for me. I was glad to be able...

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Bulletin for Sun 2/19

From Claudia Gimson, Parish Administrator -- Good afternoon all! REMINDER - There is only one service at 10 am this Sunday.  After several years absence due to COVID, we welcome Frank Bock's Dixieland Jazz Ensemble back for what is always a rousing, fun service...

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