Rector’s Update: Wed 4/17

Dear friends, What a wonderful annual parish meeting we had on Sunday. Our new vestry members are Sarah Hancock, Marshall Kress, Jessica Peoples, and Alex Pierre. Our new senior warden is Susie Throop and Andrea Patton-Weerakoon is our new junior warden.  We also...

St. Dunstan’s 60th Anniversary

Dear friends, As I hope you know, 2024 is the 60th anniversary of the founding of St. Dunstan’s. We will celebrate this milestone on May 19, which is both Pentecost and St. Dunstan’s Day. For our 50th anniversary we had a fund-raising campaign to allow us...

Rector’s Update: Sat 4/13

Dear friends, Attached is the leaflet for tomorrow’s service. Remember that we will have only one service at 10 a.m., which will incorporate our annual parish meeting. After the service there will be a chili lunch in the parish hall. You’re invited to...

Rector’s Update: Thur 4/11

Dear friends, This Sunday is our annual parish meeting, a time when we affirm new vestry members, hear reports of the past year, and look ahead to the future. It’s also a time for any questions or comments or things that we need to discuss as a parish. As we...

Rector’s Update: Sat 4/6

Dear friends, Tomorrow continues our Easter celebration. Actually it will continue until the Day of Pentecost, which this year is May 19th. The service leaflet for tomorrow is attached. We also will begin a new Sunday School series tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. based on a...

Rector’s Update: Tue 4/2, part II

Hi everyone, There was a serious omission in the listing of people to thank for the beautiful Holy Week and Easter services. But as you can tell by the pictures below, maybe this needed its own email.  So, I thank Katharina McCawley for the exquisite (and...

Rector’s Update: Tue 4/2

Dear friends, There is news to share from the diocese today. Bishop Wright is one of four bishops nominated to be Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. The presiding bishop presides over meetings of the bishops, and participates in the ordination of new bishops....

Holy Week

Dear friends, This evening begins what is called The Triduum, or the Three Days, the most holy time of the Christian year. Tonight we mark the last night of Jesus’ earthly life, and remember his final command to his disciples — to love one another....

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